S3E7 – The power of data storytelling, with Kat Greenbrook
A reminder that David’s book Solve Any Data Analysis Problem is available in Manning’s Early Access Program!
You can read more about it here: https://www.manning.com/books/solve-any-data-analysis-problem (if it’s not on offer when you’re there, you can get 35% off with the code au35asb).
In today’s episode, we talked to Kat Greenbrook. Kat is a Data Storyteller from Aotearoa, New Zealand. She is a consultant, workshop facilitator, industry speaker, and founder of the data storytelling company Rogue Penguin. With a unique blend of science, business, and design, she empowers data professionals to communicate data effectively through storytelling.
Her book, The Data Storyteller’s Handbook is out now! You can find it at https://www.roguepenguin.co.nz/book
You can find Kat at https://www.roguepenguin.co.nz